Be Eye Wise LogoFall Parent Tip BannerAlternative Education BannerOctober is LGBTQ+ Awareness and History Month


Assistant Principal
Maribel Lebron

Bell Schedule
 M-T-R-F W
 8:10 AM – 3:06 PM 8:10 AM – 2:06PM

The BETA Alternative School program is the educational component of the partnership between Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) and United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Central Florida, Inc.  BETA is a Title 1 Part A program that participates in parent and family engagement opportunities.

BETA provides open enrollment to a pregnant teen or young mother within OCPS district and serves approximately 60 students (ages 11-19).  The school environment is a different approach to the traditional educational setting emphasizing smaller class sizes.  BETA gives pregnant teens and young mothers academic and possible employment opportunities while developing life skills and obtaining a high school diploma.

Program Features:

  • Middle/High school traditional school curriculum to prepare students for graduation

  • Smaller learning environment with individualized instruction

  • Students follow the core class progression based on individual requirements for graduation  

  • Students high school diploma reflect the name of their zone school

  • Participation in zone school events, i.e. Prom, Homecoming, and Graduation

  • Electives such as Parenting Skills, Debate, and Journalism

  • Scholarships for postsecondary education available

  • Childcare (on property)

  • OCPS school bus transportation for students and their children

Student may reach out for more information by calling the Lead Teacher at 407-374-2630 Ext. 6392236, or E-mail [email protected] or message us on social media @AltEd_OCPS with the icons listed below.

BETA Application

4680 Lake Underhill Road
Orlando, FL 32807-1182


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